Puppy Pad Training: How to Train Your Puppy to Go on Potty Pads

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There may be several factors a dog needs to be trained to pee on a pee pad. Immobile dog parents might not take their puppy outside often enough for the canine to eliminate. Some parents train puppies on pee pads before teaching the dog to go outside.

City dwellers without yards may choose to use a pee pad for their pooch inside the apartment. Also, older canines who may not make it outside might find their last years easier using a potty pad.

Tiny dogs are usually taught to use potty pads since the outside elements might be hard for them to handle as the season’s change.

Training your puppy to use a pee pad might remove stress for you and your pooch. He will not be left afraid of being punished after having an accident, and you will not need to worry about messes to clean from floors and carpets.

Choosing a Potty Pad

The concept behind using a pee pad is to give a consistent, visible space for your puppy to go potty. You’ll want to pick something easy to clean up, large enough, and absorbent for the messes that your particular pooch makes.

Large breed dogs might require sturdy options compared to tiny breeds. Paper towels, newspapers, cloth towels, and indoor/outdoor carpet potty stations or store-bought pee pads are all options.

Paper towels and newspapers can be messy and hard to clean up after your pooch potties on them, yet they are inexpensive.

Cloth towels are absorbent but will require to be cleaned frequently, and your pooch is likely to try to chew on it like a toy.

Store-bought pee pads are the most preferred option because of their size choices, ease-of-disposal, and absorbency.

If you plan to teach your small puppy to use the potty inside your home, then indoor/outdoor carpet potty stations, particularly created for dogs, are excellent choices.

Where to Place Puppy Potty Pads?

You’ll intend to give mindful consideration to where you put your pup potty pads. Pick a place with relatively low foot traffic, and ideally over a hard floor.

Many dog parents choose the bathroom. This is wise since the potty pad won’t be near food, it won’t be in the way of entertaining visitors, and bathrooms are small spaces that make it simple to confine your dog.

Potty Training With a Pee Pad — Points to consider

Should you choose that indoor potty options are needed for your situation, below are a few recommendations and tips to take into consideration:

1- Rather than pee pads, think about potty boxes that use real grass or turf to help create the association that grass is the proper place to go potty. You can also make your own DIY balcony dog potty.

2- As your puppy becomes familiar with using their indoor potty spot, progressively move it closer to the outside potty area to deal with teaching them to go to the wanted place.

3- Never forget pee pads in the crate with your pooch. Not only is it a chewing risk, but it will also start to train your dog that it is ok to pee in his crate. Potty pads can be used in long-term confinement areas, like ex-pens for dogs.

Puppy Pad Training Tips

While your puppy is learning to use the potty pad, you’ll require to make some changes to preserve your floors from accidents.

Below are our preferred management tips for setting you and your puppy up for potty success:

You can put your pooch in a crate to start with, but eventually, include barriers to train him where to go. Using confinement to help tame your dog is a multi-step process.

Introduce Your Puppy to the Potty Pads

Enable your pup to see and smell the potty pads you selected. This will help him get used to the new object, so he isn’t afraid of it at potty time.

Allow your puppy walk on the pad while you repeat a regular command that you intend to say at potty time, like “go potty.”

Use a Crate

A crate is a crucial potty training device because canines don’t like to soil where they sleep. And also, a strong denning instinct signifies that if you introduce a crate effectively, your dog will see it as his safe area rather than a punishment. Keep the following in mind when introducing a crate to your pooch:

  • Pick a suitably sized crate. Your canine ought to be able to turn around and lie down but without any extra room. If the crate is too large, your canine can use one end as a toilet, which will delay potty training.
  • Use dividers with a bigger crate. If you get a crate for your pooch’s adult size, dividers can aid the crate “grow” with your pup.
  • Associate the crate with enjoyable things. If you place treats in the crate, feed your dog at the back of it, and leave chew toys in the crate, your puppy will learn to enjoy it.
  • Reward your dog for going in his crate. He will like to go inside if it’s a rewarding area to be. Although a crate is wonderful for a quiet time out, don’t utilize it for punishment.
  • Take your puppy directly to his potty pad whenever you allow him out of his crate.

Reward Your Puppy

Treats and Praise work marvels with pups. If your dog goes potty on its pee pad, ensure you immediately reward him. This can be verbal in an excited tone of voice, by offering your puppy a special treat reserved only for potty time, or by petting your pooch.

Be Consistent

When considering how to potty train a puppy, don’t underestimate consistency and routine. Establishing a schedule and staying with it will help avoid accidents and ensure you offer your puppy every opportunity to go in the appropriate place. These instructions below will help you stay consistent:

  • Know when your puppy has to go. Many puppies need the toilet when they wake up in the morning, after playing, after napping, and after feeding. So, take your puppy to the pee pad whenever one of these events occurs.
  • Bring your dog to the pee pad anytime they haven’t been for an hour or more.
  • Take your puppy to the potty pad whenever you think it’s time. But if he doesn’t go, don’t allow him to play and run around. Rather, take him back in his crate for 15-20 mins, then try again. Repeat until he does his business.
  • Feed your canine on a schedule. If you manage when your puppy eats, you can better anticipate when he’ll have to go to the potty pad.
  • Pick a suitable place for the potty pad. Try not to move it while your puppy is still training. If you confuse your dog, he will take longer to learn and have more accidents.

Switch From Pads to Larger Area

Once your puppy is doing well with the crate, you can graduate to a larger area. Rather than leaving your dog in a crate, you will currently create a small space in your home for your puppy to roam.

Choose where you want the potty pads to go, then confine your puppy in a small location, including the potty pads. This can be done by closing room doors, indoor dog gates, or with ex-pens.

Give your puppy just enough space for a comfortable puppy bed, potty pads, plus some toys and water. Naturally, he won’t want to potty in her bed, toys, or water– so that leaves the potty pads! Providing him fewer options makes it easier to make the right one.

As always, when you find him using the pee pads, give ample treats and confirmation. Also, ensure to clean up messes quickly so that your puppy never faces the temptation to eat his own poop!

Switch to Outside

When it’s time to change your puppy from pee pads to the outdoors, many of the suggestions above can be used similarly. Easily take your puppy outside instead of his pad. This tip can help along the way:

  • Train your puppy a potty command such as “Go Potty.” begin by using the command whenever your dog is about to go, then give him a treat as soon as he finishes. With adequate repetition, you will be able to ask your pooch to go where and when it’s suitable for you, including in the outside toilet area.
  • Move the pee pad outside. Only move it a short distance each day, so you don’t confuse your pooch. First work near the door to the outdoors, then to just outside that door, then gently to the desired outdoor area.
  • Reduce the size of the potty pad once it’s outdoors. Some puppies will catch on rapidly, especially with the help of potty cues, but if your pooch is struggling, reduce the pee pad smaller and smaller until he’s using the ground instead.

Handle Accidents Calmly (They’re Gonna Happen)

Your canine is bound to make mistakes– it’s regular and completely natural.

Don’t punish your puppy, or you might end up confusing your canine and teaching him that it’s not ok to pee in your presence. When your puppy makes a mistake, take him to the potty pad. If he goes there, rewards him generously!

If he doesn’t, don’t take it personally and do your best to reward him when he does it properly next time!

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