Golden Retriever obedience training

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Are you the proud owner of a Golden Retriever? If so, you’re probably looking for ways to train your dog and ensure he behaves appropriately. Luckily, plenty of obedience training methods are available, and most are pretty simple. In this post, we’ll discuss the basics of obedience training for Golden Retrievers and offer some tips to help get you started.

The importance of Golden Retriever obedience training

Labrador training commands are an essential part of obedience training. You can teach your dog to respond to your commands and behave the desired way.

For example, the command ‘sit’ can teach your dog to sit down on command. Similarly, the command ‘stay’ can teach your dog to stay in one spot on order.

In addition to obedience training, commands can help your dog learn tricks or perform tasks. For example, the command ‘fetch’ can teach your dog to fetch a ball on command.

Using commands, you can provide structure and guidance for your dog’s learning process. As a result, Labrador training commands are essential to owning a Labrador retriever.

Golden Retriever training commands – Basic 

There are a few basic commands that every Golden Retriever owner should know. These commands include:


The ‘sit’ command is probably the most basic and important command you can teach your dog. You can use this command in various situations, such as when you want your dog to sit down and stay in one spot.

To teach your dog the ‘sit’ command, start by having him stand before you. Then, place your hand on his back and order ‘sit.’ As you say the word ‘sit,’ gently push down on your dog’s back end until he sits down. Once he’s in a sitting position, praise him and give him a treat.


The ‘stay’ command is another crucial command you can use in various situations. This command is often used when you want your dog to stay in one spot, such as when you’re getting ready to leave the house or cooking dinner.

To teach your dog the ‘stay’ command, start by having him sit or stand before you. Then, give the order ‘stay’ and take a few steps back. If your dog stays in place, praise him and treat him. If he doesn’t stay in place, gently guide him back to where you initially told him to stay.


The ‘down’ command is another basic command you can use in various situations. This command is often used when you want your dog to lie on the ground.

To teach your dog the ‘down’ command:

  1. Start by having him sit or stand before you.
  2. Give the order ‘down’ and gently push on his chest until he lies down.
  3. Once he’s in a lying position, praise him and give him a treat.


The ‘come’ command is an important one you can use in various situations. This command is often used when you want your dog to come to you.

To teach your dog the ‘come’ command:

  1. Start by having him sit or stand next to you.
  2. Give the order ‘come’ and take a few steps back.
  3. If your dog comes to you, praise him and treat him.

If he doesn’t come to you, gently guide him back to where you initially told him to come.


The ‘heel’ command is an important command that can be used when you’re walking your dog on a leash. This command teaches your dog to walk by your side and not pull on the leash.

To teach your dog the ‘heel’ command:

  1. Start by having him sit or stand next to you.
  2. Give the command’ heel’ and start walking.
  3. If your dog walks by your side, praise him and give him a treat.

If he doesn’t walk by your side or pull on the leash, gently guide him back to where you initially told him to heel.

Golden Retriever training Advanced Commands – Tricks

In addition to basic commands, you can also use commands to teach your dog tricks. Some popular tricks that Golden Retrievers can learn:

Sit up

To teach your dog the ‘sit up’ trick, start by having him sit in front of you. Then, give the command ‘sit up’ and hold a treat above his head. As he stands up to try to reach the treat, praise him and give him the treat.

Roll over

To teach your dog the ‘roll over’ trick, start by having him lie before you. Then, give the command’ roll over’ and hold a treat above his head. As he rolls over to try to reach the treat, praise him and give him the treat.

Play dead

To teach your dog the ‘play dead’ trick, start by having him lie before you. Then, give the command’ play dead’ and pretend to shoot him with your finger. As he rolls over and pretends to be dead, praise him and give him a treat.


To teach your dog the ‘speak’ trick:

  1. Start by having him sit or stand before you.
  2. Give the command ‘speak’ and wait for him to bark.
  3. As soon as he barks, praise him and give him a treat.

Shake hands

To teach your dog the ‘shake hands’ trick, start by having him sit or stand before you. Then, give the command’ shake hands and offer him your hand to shake. As soon as he puts his paw in your hand, praise him and give him a treat.

Wave goodbye

To teach your dog the ‘wave goodbye’ trick:

  1. Start by having him sit or stand before you.
  2. Give the command ‘wave goodbye’ and wait for him to lift his paw and wave goodbye.
  3. As soon as he does, praise him and give him a treat.

Golden Retrievers are intelligent dogs and can learn a variety of tricks. As you continue to work with your dog, you’ll be able to teach him more and more tricks.

How to Train Your Golden Retriever:

1. Choose a quiet place to train your Golden Retriever. You’ll need to be able to give your full attention to your dog during training, so it’s essential to choose a place where you won’t be distracted.

2. Have plenty of treats on hand. Golden Retrievers are food motivated, so using treats as rewards for good behavior is an effective way to train them.

3. Start with basic commands. As your dog masters the basics, you can move on to more advanced commands.

4. Be patient. Training takes time and patience. If you get frustrated, take a break and try again later.

5. Be consistent. It’s essential to be consistent with your commands and rewards. If you give an order but don’t follow it, your dog won’t learn what you want him to do.

With patience and consistency, you can successfully train your Golden Retriever. By teaching him basic commands and tricks, you’ll be able to create a strong bond with your dog and have a lifetime of companionship.

Golden Retriever obedience training- FAQs

How long does it take to train a Golden Retriever?

The time it takes to train a Golden Retriever will vary depending on the dog’s personality and learning style. Some dogs learn quickly, and others need more time. On average, it will take several weeks to months to fully train a Golden Retriever.

How often should I train my Golden Retriever?

It’s essential to be consistent with your training. For the best results, you should train your Golden Retriever daily. If you can’t commit to daily training sessions, aim for several times per week.

What is the best age to start training a Golden Retriever?

You can start training your Golden Retriever as soon as he is old enough to understand your commands. Puppies typically begin to understand basic commands at around eight weeks of age.

What are some common behavior problems in Golden Retrievers?

Some common behavior problems in Golden Retrievers include barking, digging, chewing, and jumping. By providing your dog with proper exercise and training, you can help to prevent or reduce these behavior problems.


So, what have we learned about Golden Retriever obedience training? First, start with the basics and be consistent. Second, use positive reinforcement to reward your dog for good behavior. Finally, keep training sessions short and fun. If you follow these tips, you’re sure to have a well-behaved Golden Retriever in no time! Have you tried any of these methods when training your dog? Let us know how it went in the comments below or on our Facebook page. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends – they may find it helpful too!

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