How Long Can a Dog Go Without Peeing

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“How long can a dog go without peeing?” It may be a crucial thing to know for dog parents who like to travel with their dogs to decide when their dogs need to go to the bathroom.

It is also essential to detect signs of potential health problems if your pet is peeing either more or less frequently than usual, despite enough water intake. Is your pup peeing normally? Let’s find out in this article.

How Long Can Dogs Hold Their Pee?

Just like people, dogs are different. Some might go for hrs, while others require more normal outside time.

What decides this? Right here are the various factors that determine how often they should urinate:

  • Diet
  • Age
  • Size
  • Activity
  • Breed
  • Stress

Senior dogs and very young puppies can’t hold it in for as long, while most adults can do it for about 10 hours. Their training has to do with this, too.

A potty-trained dog will wait or ask to go outside, while the one without training will pee inside your house.

The most beneficial thing to stop accidents, urinary infections, and discomfort is observing how your dog behaves.

If it has been 5 hrs since the last toilet break and your dog is already uncomfortable and anxious, it’s time for another break.

Keeping a close eye will help you decide how long your dog can go in between toilet breaks.

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How Long Can Puppies Hold Their Bladder?

Puppies need to pee far more often than adult dogs because their bladder is not fully developed. After reaching six months of age, your puppy will have a full-sized bladder and have the ability to hold in their urine for longer.

If your dog is less than six months old, after that, you ought to be taking him outside every hr. Pups should be going to the toilet within 20 to 30 mins after drinking or eating, which is part of the reason why they require more bathroom breaks than adult canines.

The best way to determine how long your pup can hold his bladder is to use a simple math equation. It must be taking the age of your dog and then adding one hour to it. So a four-month-old puppy should be able to hold his bladder for five hours.

A two-month-old puppy should be able to hold his bladder for three hours. It’s still best that you get your puppy outside every hour if you can to make sure that there are no accidents in the house, and it’s also excellent training for your dog.

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How Often Should Dogs Urinate?

Usually, canines dogs need to urinate every 6-8 hours. Additionally, vets suggest taking your pooch outside to pee every 6 -8 hrs to avoid indoor “accidents.” Nonetheless, various variables may affect your dog’s peeing habits. Diet, size, age, breed, and activity may modify the frequency of your canine peeing.

Puppies may pee more frequently than healthy adult dogs due to the smaller urinary bladder of puppies, which may only hold smaller quantities of urine. On the other hand, older dogs may also pee more often due to their age or specific health problems that older dogs might develop. In addition, exercise, level of hydration, and breed might all play a role in how long can a dog go without peeing.

When to Call The Vet?

More frequent urination does not necessarily have to be a problem for a vet. Dogs often need to go more frequently than usual if they’re old, weigh more than they should, etc.

Still, some symptoms should inform you to call the veterinarian asap. Below’s what should alarm you:

  • Unusual urine color (dark or red).
  • Discomfort when peeing.
  • Sudden and very frequently need to urinate.

Ignoring these symptoms means less chance of healing, so you must take it seriously. These signs are telling you something is wrong, and you must call your vet immediately.

The longer your dog is unattended, the more he will suffer. Since his comfort comes first, ensure to let your dog take bathroom breaks often.

To avoid any requirements for a vet, consider your dog’s needs when you’re making plans. Will you be outside all day?

Ensure you ask someone to let your dog out a few times before you return. Every veterinarian can help with these signs, but why not avoid all of this from happening?

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