Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy: What, How Much, How Often? GSD Puppy Feeding Chart

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Feeding your German shepherd puppy can be a daunting task. What, how much, and how often should you feed your pup? This article will help answer those questions and more. We’ll cover what to look for in kibble, fresh food, raw diets, supplements, and weight management. Plus, we’ve got a handy German shepherd puppy feeding chart by age. Feeding your GSD the right food at the right time will ensure that they grow into happy, healthy dogs.

Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy

When it comes to feeding your German shepherd puppy, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. First, you’ll need to decide what food you want for your pup.

There are three main types of dog food: kibble, fresh food, and raw diets.

Kibble is the most popular food and is made of processed ingredients.

Fresh food comprises unprocessed ingredients and is the most natural type. 

Raw diets consist of raw meat, bones, and organs.

Which type of food you choose for your German shepherd puppy will depend on a few factors, including your lifestyle, budget, and pup’s health and size. If you’re looking for a convenient, affordable option, kibble may be your best choice. However, fresh food may be a better option if you’re looking for a more natural diet. Raw diets are ideal for dogs with allergies or sensitive stomachs, but they can be expensive and time-consuming.

What to Feed a German Shepherd Puppy? What Can German Shepherd Puppies Eat?

The best way to figure out what to feed your German shepherd puppy is to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to recommend a food that is tailored to your pup’s individual needs.

Here are some points to consider when you choose food for your dog:

Health: If your pup has any health problems, you’ll need to choose a food formulated for their specific needs. For example, if your pup has allergies, you’ll need to find a hypoallergenic food.

Size: The size of your German shepherd puppy will also play a role in choosing the right food. Puppies need a different formula than adult dogs. You’ll need to find food specifically for puppies or small breeds.

Activity level: If your pup is very active, you’ll need to find food with more calories and protein.

Life stage: Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs. You’ll need to find a food that is specifically made for puppies.

Ingredients: When you’re looking at food labels, you’ll want to make sure that the first ingredient is a protein, such as chicken, lamb, or beef. You’ll also want to avoid foods that contain fillers, such as corn, soy, or wheat.

Food allergies: If your German shepherd puppy has food allergies, you’ll need to find a hypoallergenic food.

2.1- Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy: Kibble

Kibble is the most popular dog food and comprises processed ingredients. Kibble is a convenient, affordable option for busy pet parents. However, not all kibble is created equal. When you’re looking for kibble for your German shepherd puppy, you’ll want to ensure that it is high in protein and low in fillers. You’ll also want to avoid kibbles that contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.

2.2- Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy: Fresh Food

Fresh food comprises unprocessed ingredients and is the most natural type. Fresh food is an excellent option for German shepherd puppies who are allergic to or sensitive to ingredients in kibble. However, fresh food can be more expensive than kibble and is more perishable.

2.3- Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy: Raw Diets

Raw diets consist of raw meat, bones, and organs. Raw diets are ideal for dogs with allergies or sensitive stomachs. However, raw diets can be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. If you’re considering a raw diet for your German shepherd puppy, you’ll need to research to ensure that it is safe and nutritionally complete.

2.4- Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy Wet Food

Wet food is another option for German shepherd puppies. Wet food is often more expensive than kibble and fresh food, but it can be a good option for picky eaters. Wet food is also a good option for teeming puppies, as the soft texture can be easy on their gums.

What To Look Out For When Choosing Dog Food For GSD Puppies?

When you’re looking for the best food for your German shepherd puppy, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • FIBER: German shepherd puppies need a diet high in fiber to help with their digestive health.
  • PROTEIN: Puppies need a diet high in protein for proper growth and development.
  • FAT: Fat is essential to a puppy’s diet, but it should be limited to prevent obesity.
  • CALORIES: Puppies need more calories than adult dogs. You’ll need to find food specifically for puppies or small breeds.
  • VITAMINS AND MINERALS: German shepherd puppies need a diet rich in vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development.
  • CHOOSING THE RIGHT FORMULA: Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs. You’ll need to find a food that is specifically made for puppies.-INGREDIENTS: When you’re looking at food labels, you’ll want to make sure that the first ingredient is a protein, such as chicken, lamb, or beef. You’ll also want to avoid foods that contain fillers, such as corn, soy, or wheat.

Should You Feed A German Shepherd Puppy Supplements? Are They Necessary?

While supplements are unnecessary, they can benefit German shepherd puppies. The most important supplement for puppies is a good quality puppy multivitamin. Puppy multivitamins provide essential vitamins and minerals that puppies need for proper growth and development. Other supplements that may be beneficial for German shepherd puppies include omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and glucosamine.

How Much Should I Feed My German Shepherd Puppy?

The amount of food you should feed your German shepherd puppy will depend on a few factors, including their age, activity level, and size. You’ll need to consult your veterinarian to determine how much food your pup needs. Generally speaking, you should feed your German shepherd puppy three to four times a day.

Puppy food should also have a high caloric value to ensure they get the necessary nutrients. You will want to monitor their weight and adjust their diet as needed.

Keeping Your Puppy’s Weight Right

German shepherd puppies are prone to obesity, so it’s essential to ensure they don’t gain too much weight. You’ll need to monitor their food intake and ensure they are getting enough exercise. If your pup is starting to gain weight, you’ll need to cut back on their food intake or increase their activity.

It’s essential to make sure that your German shepherd puppy is getting enough exercise. Exercise helps puppies stay healthy and prevents them from gaining too much weight. You can do several activities with your pup to help them get enough exercise, including playing fetch, going for walks, and swimming.

German Shepherd Puppy Feeding Chart by Age

Feeding Guide For Your German Shepherd Puppy

  • 8 Weeks – 4 Cups Per Day
  • 12 Weeks – 3 Cups Per Day
  • 6 Months – 2.5 Cups Per Day
  • 1 Year – 2 Cups Per Day*

*Note: Amounts may vary depending on your puppy’s activity level and weight. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine how much food your pup needs.

How Much To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy?

It will help if you feed your German Shepherd puppy three to four times a day.

The amount you feed will also significantly change as your German Shepherd puppy ages and goes through different life stages.

A good rule of thumb is the two-thirds rule:

Two-Thirds For Growth, One-Third For Maintenance

until they are fully grown (around 18 months to 2 years of age).

German Shepherd Puppies need MORE calories per pound of body weight than an adult dog; This is because they are growing and developing at a rapid pace.

As they reach adulthood (around one-year-old), they will require fewer calories per pound of body weight.

How Often to Feed a German Shepherd Puppy? (GSD Puppy Feeding Schedule)

When feeding your German shepherd puppy, following a schedule is essential. Puppies should be fed three to four times a day, ensuring they get the nutrients they need and preventing overeating.

How Many Times To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy Each Day?

It would help to feed your German shepherd puppy three to four times daily. You should follow this schedule until they are six months old. After six months, you can start to decrease the number of meals per day.

Puppies Less than 6 Months Old

3-4 meals per day

Puppies 6 Months to 1-Year-Old

2-3 meals per day

Adult German Shepherds

1-2 meals per day

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines. You’ll need to consult your veterinarian to determine the best feeding schedule for your pup.

How Long To Feed German Shepherd Puppy Food Before Switching To Adult Dog Food?

When it comes to feeding your German shepherd puppy, you’ll need to transition them to adult dog food at some point; You can do this anywhere from six to twelve months old. Some people wait until their pup is eighteen months old before making the switch.

How Much Water Should A German Shepherd Puppy Drink?

German shepherd puppies need plenty of water to stay hydrated. They should have access to fresh, clean water at all times. You’ll want to monitor their water intake and ensure that they drink enough daily.

German Shepherd Puppy Feeding -FAQs

Q: Do German shepherd puppies need exceptional food?

A: German shepherd puppies need high-quality food formulated for large breeds. This food should contain all the nutrients your pup needs to grow and develop properly.

Q: How long do I need to feed my German shepherd puppy food?

A: You’ll need to transition your German shepherd puppy to adult dog food at some point; You can do this anywhere from six to twelve months old.

Q: How much water should my German shepherd puppy drink each day?

A: German shepherd puppies need access to clean water at all times. You’ll want to monitor their water intake and ensure that they drink enough daily.

Q: Do I need to feed my German shepherd puppy a special diet?

A: German shepherd puppies need high-quality food formulated for large breeds. This food should contain all the nutrients your pup needs to grow and develop properly. You may also need to add supplements to their diet if they are not getting enough nutrients from their food.

Q: What type of food should I avoid feeding my German shepherd puppy?

A: You’ll want to avoid feeding your German shepherd puppy any food high in fat or calories; This can lead to obesity and other health problems. You should also avoid feeding them table scraps or human food, which can cause digestive issues.


Feeding a German shepherd puppy can be confusing, but with this guide, you should be able to make sure your pup is getting the nutrients they need. Make sure to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best feeding schedule for your dog and to ask any questions you may have about German shepherd puppy feeding. We’d love to hear from you in the comments – tell us about your experience feeding your GSD puppy!

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