How to Stop Golden Retriever from Digging

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Is your Golden Retriever constantly digging up your yard? It can be annoying and frustrating when they do this, but don’t worry; there are ways to stop them! In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why dogs dig and give you advice on how to curb this behavior. So if your furry friend is wrecking your lawn, keep reading!

Understand Why Your Golden Retriever is Digging

One of the best ways to stop your Labrador Retriever from digging is to understand why they are doing it in the first place. There are a few reasons your dog may be digging, and each requires a different approach to stopping the behavior:

  • They are bored: If your Golden Retriever is bored, they may start to dig as a way to entertain themselves; This is often the case with dogs left alone in the yard for long periods without anything to do. To prevent this, ensure you give your dog enough exercise and mental stimulation.
  • They are trying to escape: If your dog is trying to escape, it is essential to figure out why they are trying to leave. Are they bored? Do they not have enough space? Do you not spend enough time with them? Once you figure out the reason, you can work on addressing it. If they are bored, see above. If they do not have enough space, you may need to build them a larger enclosure or take them on more walks. If you think they are trying to get away from you, try spending more time with them and showing them lots of love and attention.
  • They are seeking attention from you: If your dog is digging because they want your attention, the best thing to do is to give them attention! This may seem counterintuitive, but if you ignore the digging and instead focus on rewarding your dog when they are behaving well, they will eventually learn that good behavior gets them the attention they crave.
  • They are trying to bury toys or bones: If your dog is trying to bury their toys or bones, it is likely because they are trying to save them for later. The best way to stop this behavior is to provide your dog with more toys and bones so that they do not feel the need to hoard them. You can also try hiding their toys around the house so that they have to search for them, providing them with mental stimulation.
  • They are following their instincts: Some dogs have a strong instinct to dig. If this is the case with your dog, you may need to provide them with an area where they can dig freely without damaging your yard. You can do this by creating a sandbox or digging a hole in the ground for them.

Provide Your Dog with an Alternatives to Digging

One of the best ways to stop your dog from digging is to provide them with alternatives. They will be less likely to dig if they have other things. Some good options include:

Giving them plenty of exercises:

This is one of the most important things you can do to prevent your dog from digging. A tired dog is a happy dog and is less likely to look for ways to entertain itself.

Giving them plenty of toys:

If your dog has plenty of toys, they will be less likely to dig because they will be too busy playing! Make sure to rotate their toys so that they do not get bored.

Giving them a digging pit:

If you provide your dog with an area where they can dig freely, they will be less likely to dig in other places; This can be as simple as creating a sandbox or digging a hole in the ground for them. Just ensure that the area is large enough for them to move around and that it is not too close to your house or garden.

Training them with positive reinforcement:

If you train your dog with positive reinforcement, it will learn that good behavior is rewarded; You can do this by giving them treats or praise when they exhibit the desired behavior.

Ignoring their digging:

If you ignore your dog when digging, they will eventually learn that this is not the behavior that gets them attention; This cannot be easy, but it is vital to remain consistent.

How to Stop A Golden Retriever From Digging: A Step-by-Step Guide

You can do a few things if you want to stop your golden retriever from digging. First, you need to figure out why they are digging. Once you know the reason, you can start to address the problem. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to stop your golden retriever from digging:

Step 1: Get to the Root of the Problem

The first step is to figure out why your golden retriever is digging in the first place. There are a few common reasons dogs dig, including boredom, attention seeking, or following their instincts. Once you know the reason, you can start to address the problem.

Step 2: Provide an outlet for their energy

If your golden retriever is digging because they are bored, the best thing you can do is provide them with an outlet for its energy; You can do this by giving them plenty of exercises, providing them with toys, or giving them a digging pit.

Step 3: Create a dig zone

If your dog is digging because they have a strong instinct to do so, you can create a dig zone for them; This is an area where they can dig freely without damaging your yard. You can make a dig zone by creating a sandbox or digging a hole in the ground for them.

Step 4: Obedience Training

One of the best ways to stop your golden retriever from digging is to obedience train them.

To start, you will need to choose a command that you will use to tell your Golden Retriever to stop digging. “No” and “Stop” are two common commands. Once you have chosen an order, you must consistently use it. Say the command in a firm voice when your dog starts to dig. You may need to repeat the command several times before they stop digging.

Step 5: Be patient

It is essential to be patient when training your Golden. He will not learn overnight; it may take some time before they stop digging. If you are consistent with your training, eventually, they will know that digging is not the desired behavior.

How to Stop Golden Retriever from Digging – FAQs

Q: What if my golden retriever is digging because they are bored?

A: If your golden retriever is digging because they are bored, the best thing you can do is provide them with an outlet for its energy; You can do this by giving them plenty of exercises, providing them with toys, or giving them a digging pit.

Q: What if my golden retriever is digging because they have a strong instinct to do so?

A: If your dog is digging because they have a strong instinct to do so, you can create a dig zone for them; This is an area where they can dig freely without damaging your yard. You can make a dig zone by creating a sandbox or digging a hole in the ground for them.


So, what can you do to stop your Golden Retriever from digging? Well, the first step is understanding why they’re doing it. Once you know that, you can start working on solutions. If your dog is digging out of boredom or anxiety, providing them with plenty of exercise and toys may help curb the behavior.

If they’re digging for food or shelter, you’ll need to take a different approach and ensure those needs are met. With some patience and perseverance, you should be able to train your Golden Retriever not to dig – and have a little more peace in your backyard! Have you had success training your dog not to dig? We want to hear about it! Share your tips in the comments below.

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