20 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)

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It’s hard to imagine life without our furry little companions. For many of us, dogs are considered family. We love them with our hearts and hope they love us just as much in return. But sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether or not our dogs love us. They may be good at faking it, but there are some telltale signs that your dog may not be as in love with you as you are with them. Here are 20 signs that your dog doesn’t love you, even if you think they do.

1. They Don’t Greet You At The Door

One of the most evident signs of a dog’s affection is its excited reaction to seeing its owner after separation. If your dog doesn’t greet you at the door with their tail wagging and couldn’t care less when you come home, it may be a sign that they don’t consider you their favorite person.

2. They Don’t Follow You Around

Dogs are naturally social creatures and love being around their pack mates. If your dog isn’t following you around from room to room or always wants to be near you, it could be a sign that they don’t have the same strong bond with you that you have with them.

3. They Aren’t Interested In Your Food

We all know that dogs love food, so much so that they will beg for scraps from the dinner table even when they have their food at home. If your dog turns up their nose at your food or doesn’t seem interested in what you’re eating, it may be a sign that they don’t see you as the leader of the pack who provides for them.

4. They Ignore Your Commands

Dogs are intelligent creatures who can learn tricks and commands quickly enough. If your dog doesn’t seem to want to listen to you or follow your orders, it could be because they don’t see you as the alpha who deserves their respect.

5. They Don’t Listen When You Talk To Them

Dogs may not understand every word we say, but they certainly appreciate our tone of voice and the overall meaning of what we’re trying to communicate. If your dog tunes out when you talk to them or doesn’t make eye contact, it may be a sign that they view you more as a roommate than as their beloved owner.

6. They Sleep In Another Room

Dogs are loyal creatures who often sleep beside their owners in bed or on the couch out of sheer companionship alone. If your dog sleeps in another room or in their crate instead of snuggling up next to you, it may mean that they don’t feel as close to you as you think to them.

7. They Don’t Like Being Touched

Dogs typically love being petted, scratched, and hugged by their favorite people. If your dog flinches away when you try to touch them or seems uncomfortable with physical affection, it may be a sign that they don’t fully trust you or feel as close to you as you do to them.

8. They Growl At You

Dogs sometimes growl when they feel threatened, but if your dog is barking at you for no apparent reason, it may be a sign that they don’t view you as their protector but instead see you as a potential danger.

9. They Show Their Teeth When You Approach

In addition to growling, some dogs may also show their teeth as a sign of aggression. If your dog does this when you approach or try to pet them, it’s a clear sign that they don’t trust you and may even be afraid of you.

10. They Don’t Let You Pick Them Up

Picking up a small dog is often seen as a sign of affection, but if your dog doesn’t like being held or tries to squirm away when you try to pick them up, it may be a sign that they don’t fully trust you.

11. They Don’t Like Being Groomed

Dogs typically love being brushed and pampered, but if your dog hates being groomed or tries to run away when you bring out the brush, it may be a sign that they don’t feel comfortable with you touching them.

12. They Don’t Enjoy Your Company

Dogs are social creatures who thrive on companionship, so if your dog doesn’t seem to enjoy your company or would instead be left alone, it may be a sign that they don’t view you as their favorite person.

13. They Don’t Want To Play With You

Dogs love to play, so if your dog doesn’t want to play with you or ignores you when you try to engage them, it may be a sign that they don’t see you as their friend.

14. They Avoid Eye Contact

Dogs typically love making eye contact with their favorite people, but if your dog avoids eye contact or seems uncomfortable when you look at them, it may be a sign that they don’t trust you.

15. They Have A Estranged Relationship With Their Tail

A wagging tail is often seen as a sign of happiness in dogs, but if your dog’s tail is low or tucked between its legs, it may signify feeling insecure or unsafe.

16. They Don’t Seem Relaxed Around You

Dogs typically feel relaxed and comfortable in the presence of their favorite people, but if your dog seems tense or anxious when you’re around, it may be a sign that they don’t trust you.

17. They Try To Run Away When They See You

Dogs typically love seeing their favorite people, but if your dog tries to run away or hide when they see you coming, it may be a sign that they’re afraid of you.

18. They Don’t Come When You Call Them

Dogs typically love coming when they’re called, but if your dog ignores you or seems hesitant to go to you, it may be a sign that they don’t trust you.

19. They Don’t Like Being Left Alone With You

Dogs typically enjoy spending time with their favorite people, but if your dog seems uncomfortable or anxious when left alone, it may be a sign that they don’t feel safe in your presence.

20. They Try To Get Away From You

Dogs sometimes try to get away from their owners if they’re feeling scared or threatened, but if your dog seems uncomfortable or stressed in your presence, it may be a sign that they don’t feel safe with you.

If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that some of these signs are similar to your dog’s behaviors when they don’t like you. While it’s important to remember that not all of these behaviors mean that your dog doesn’t love you, it may be worth trying to figure out what’s causing them to act this way. If there is a problem and your dog doesn’t seem as close to you as you would like, feel free to leave a comment below, and we can try to help. Thanks for reading!

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